Storytime Extension Activities

30th June
written by Danielle Lee-Muma

I thought I would do a series of reviews of toddler S.T.E.A.M. subscription kits since so many parents are in a position where they have to fill in for their daycare providers — and still want to provide some enrichment, even during a pandemic.

Disclaimer: I have only reviewed kits that I was able to acquire in Canada, and solely kits for the 2-4 year old age range. so I’m sure there are more kits available.

My daughter explores the KiwiCo Koala Box:

Oceans Theme

  • Quality Wood and Fabric toys Including: (April) Fishing pole + fish with fabric bag, (May) Reusable Neighbourhood “Painting” that changes with water, (June) Wooden Doctor’s Kit with Fabric Bag
  • Thematic board book featuring the same characters every month – my quick review of these books: They are age-appropriate, well-drawn, and take the themes of the kit into a story that my daughter is happy to read again and again.
  • Some kits came with an extra project (like the art featured above)
  • Comes with an adult guide to help the parent follow along and support learning.
  • For the parents: YES your child can enjoy these toys without you holding their hands for the entire time. This is an excellent way to engage your child while you get work done.

I would absolutely recommend the KiwiCo kit to other toddler parents.

KiwiCo’s boxes have high-quality materials that have been thoughtfully curated around a theme. The months that we have received so far have been: Oceans, Neighbourhood, and Doctor’s Visit

28th June
written by Danielle Lee-Muma

Verwandeln Sie diesen Kinderreim in eine Aktivität für Kleinkinder

Die Gummientschen und Tüll schwimmen “auf dem See” während Spielzeug Hühner “finden ein Körnchen” in strohfarbenen Stoff
Die Gummientschen und Tüll schwimmen “auf dem See” während Spielzeug Hühner “finden ein Körnchen” in strohfarbenen Stoff

19th August
written by Danielle Lee-Muma

This sensory bin works well with Dinosaur themed story books (and the non-fiction work “Dinosaur Bones” Bob Barner

Toddler digging plastic dinosaurs out of black beans
My daughter acts as Archaeologist, digging dinosaurs out of black beans in her sensory bin.